Saturday, July 17, 2010

7/18/10 Lunch and some tasteh potato croquettes! =D

Todays lunch is again in my Chopper Man tight lock one teir bento, I've got a chicken strip, some cut up nectarine, cole slaw, one biscut cut in half to fit into the box, and a combination of hashbrown casirole and mac and cheese. Everything except for the fruit came from dinners lastnight, yay bento! =D

On an even better note I made some Hotwing potato croquettes! Wheeee experimentation! It was messy lastnight pulling the meat fom the small chiken legs and wings but it was fun, I added garlic salt to the paotatos and the cheese was already in them so all I had to do with grind up the meat ad mix. I formed little balls, which were a bit deformed and flat; put them in the freezer over night so they would't be so squishy when I breaded them.

I took out the mixture today and they were rock hard, just as I planned. ^-^ I breaded the potato mixture, put some Italian seasonins in the bread crumb mixture and went to town. I sadly did not make any dipping sauce; but thats okay at least now I have something to put into my bento tomorrow morning and its not boreing at all.

My mom ate a peice and said it was good, could have used dipping sauce though. The top piccy is the result of last minute planning with left over cheese potato and boring hot wings. =p I'd like to thank Biggie for her inspiriational inspiration!

Good eatting everyone! ;D

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