Thursday, July 15, 2010

Todays Lunch =3

It didn't take to long today making lunch and I'm using my Chopper Man tight lock one tier bento.

Pineweels with spicy mustard, lettuce, and ham thinl sliced. One small tomato on lettuce, a small handful of pine nuts, and a fried egg omlette with peas, carrots, snap beans, and tomato microwwaved in soy sauce, marin, a little sake, and some sugar acting as a glaze. I micrwowaved for 50 seconds, took it out, added water, and put it back in for 20 min, the veggies thawed by then and cooked.

It was a 20 minute process including rolling the pinwheels and cooking the egg.

I usually try to stay away from cheese because I have lactose and tolerance issues but I seem to be okay with a little bit of cheese now and than. I got the fried omelett recipe from one of my Japanese cook books though I used what I had on hand.

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