Monday, August 16, 2010

8/16/10 Obento snack =O

Minasan, ohayƍgozaimasu. O genkidesu ka? ( Good morning everyone. How are you?)

Good morning readrs of mine,its a great day yes? Urm, its 6:52 AM andI'm sitting at my desk nibbling on a nectirine from my bento box. Today is just asimple snack of half a nectirine, a mini onigiri with salmon in it, a milk candy chew,and a piece of sugar cane candy. Mmmmmmmm, sounds good ne? =3 Took me about 15 minutes to make cause I had to reheat frozen rice and reconstitiute it with a little water. While shaping I made an indent for some salmon and shapped the rice,sorry that theres no picture, was pressed for time.

I put the candy in my bento today because I wanted something sweet, might as well have something good me ne? Milk candy and cane sugar candy, its better than chocolate. That aside,I found some interesting video's on youtube called Cooking With Dog, its a cooking show/video for those of us who don't know how to cook authentic oriental food. There was one video that shows how to make Ichigo Daifuku, I plan to go to J-Mart this Friday to pickup some supplies for that and a few other items.

Karada kowasu yoi hito (Good Eatting Everyone)
Pixil Doll :D

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