Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lunch for 8/21/10 and 8/22/10

I used my ichigo bento yesterday for lunch, first tier: ysed the rest of the italian sasuage, used the rest of my sweet and sour chicken fried rice (experimental the previous day but very good). Second teir: half of a nectirine and ahandful of sweet corn kernals with cumin and curry powder.

The rest of the piccies are half of what I got from J-Mart, I definatly wanted some pastry so I got some. ^-^ My mom actually ate the one that had chocolate cream in a shell and I ate almost all the melon bread. I'm not sure what flavor the flower shaped bread is, most likely sweet bean.

Todays lunch was actually from Apple Bee's, small handful of fries and half of some kind of asian style burger but I kept within the guidlines of what I usually eat and how much I eat. Besides the fact that it was in a styrifoam container that looked like a thin bento. =D I also ate half of the melon bread and it was gooooood.

For todays bento for work I heated up some frozen rice with a side of two peices of chicken peices, egg with scallions, peas, and hot sauce. The other side is spicey daikon relish, Mmmmmm yummeh! =D

Hmmm, andmay I say my apointment at the diabieities center went spectacular! I lost 6 lbs and now my current weight is 201 lb's, one more to go so I can reach my goal. Then I can make another weight lose goal. =D

Happily Eatting Bento's

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